The achievements of the revolution

The achievements of the revolution

Political achievements

The nationalization of the Suez Canal
Recovery of dignity and independence and freedom lost at the hands of the colonial aggressor
Control of the government in Egypt and the fall of the monarchy
Forcing the king to abdicate and leave for Egypt to Italy
Cancel the monarchy and the establishment of the Republic
Galaa signed an agreement after more than seventy years of occupation
Building Arab nationalist movement to work on the Liberation of Palestine

Cultural achievements

Revolution established the General Authority for Cultural Palaces , palaces of culture and cultural centers for the distribution of a democratic culture and compensation areas long deprived of the fruits of creativity which city of Cairo , which is one of the most important and prominent cultural achievements 
Academy has set up institutes of higher education for theater, cinema and criticism , ballet, opera , music and folk arts 
Antiquities and Museums care and support cultural institutions set up by the former regime cultural 
Allowed to produce films of the stories inherent Egyptian literature after it was dependent on the citation of foreign films and stories

Educational achievements

Decided to free public education and added a free higher education 
Doubled the budget for higher education 
She was set up in ten universities across the country instead of only three universities 
Establishment of centers of scientific research and the development of teaching hospitals 

Economic and social achievements

Revolution is considered the golden age of the working class who have suffered the most ground suffering from injustice 
Resulted in the revolution for social orientation and sense of the popular early when property law issued on September 9, 1952 
Eliminated the feudal monarchies and dropped off from agricultural throne 
 nationalized trade and industry that accounted for by foreigners
Cancel layers between the Egyptian people and the poor became judges and university professors , ambassadors , ministers, doctors, lawyers and changed the social structure of Egyptian society 
Ruled on the treatment of workers as commodities are bought and sold , and the price is subject to speculation in the labor market 
DONE farmer issuing Agrarian Reform Law 
Ruled on the control of capitalism in the areas of agricultural and industrial production 

Arab Achievements

Arab efforts to unify and mobilize energies for the benefit of Saudi Arab liberation movements 
Confirmed to the nation from the Gulf to the ocean that the strength of the Arabs in the united and governed by the first of the foundations of historic Second, the common language of the collective mentality and third, myself and a social conscience and a common one
Set up a revolution in the Arab experience of unity between Egypt and Syria in February 1958 
The Revolution hold a tripartite agreement between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Syria , and Yemen's accession
Somalia to defend the right to self-determination
Contributed to the revolution in Kuwait's independence
Revolution has the support of the Iraqi revolution
Egypt has become a pole of power in the Arab world , which imposed liability protection and defense of themselves and those around them
Egypt helped South Yemen in the revolution against the occupier until victory and the declaration of the Republic * supported the revolution of the Libyan people in their revolution against the occupation
Liberation movement supported the revolution in Tunisia and Morocco until independence


RCC played a leading role with Yugoslavia under the leadership of Tito and with India in the Nehru led the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement , which make her weight and a significant and influential role at the global level 
The arms deal signed in 1955 and the East , which is considered a turning point I broke the monopoly of the global arms 

Gamal Abed El Naser

Members of the Revolutionary Command Council

Members of the Revolutionary Command Council

Major General Mohamed Naguib
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Anwar Sadat
Abdel-Hakim Amer
Joseph Friend
Hussein Shafei
Salah Salem
Jamal Salem
Khalid Mohiuddin
Zakaria Mohiuddin
Kamal al-Din Hussein
Abdel-Latif al-Baghdadi
Abdel Moneim Amin

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Deportation of King Farouk

Deportation of King Farouk

Was assigned to Ali Maher Pasha to form a cabinet after the sacking of the Ministry of Hilali Pasha, which had not been on its formation one day and then the rebels morning July 23 to contact the U.S. ambassador to tell a message to British forces

 that the revolution is an internal affair and it was clear in the first statement of the revolution emphasis on the protection of the property of foreigners to ensure non-interference of the British forces, along with the palace and then continued the rebels then take their steps toward control of the government and the expulsion of the king and forced him to abdicate his crown to the infant son Ahmed Fouad has been the king
 and his family deported to Italy on a yacht Mahrosa

King Farouk with his children and his wife

Moment for the departure of King Farouk of Egypt

Royal Yacht Mahrosa

King Farouk aboard the royal yacht


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Statement Revolution

Statement Revolution

Scurry voice Anwar Sadat cast the first statement from Major General Mohamed Naguib to the Egyptian people and reads

Crossed the Egypt period nervous in the history of the last of bribery , corruption and instability of governance has been all of these factors, a significant effect on the army and cause biased people in our defeat in the war in Palestine and either the period after this war has combined the factors of corruption and traitors to the army and took over their heads either ignorant or a traitor or corrupt to become Egypt without an army protected and that

we have cleared ourselves and took hurry inside the army men are confident in their ability and in their character and in their patriotism and we have to all of Egypt will receive this news with elation and welcoming either

  in the arrest of the men former army They will not attain this damage and will be released in a timely manner and I assure the Egyptian army that the whole army became the works for the benefit of the nation under the Constitution devoid of any extremely take this opportunity and ask people not be allowed for one of the traitors to resort to acts of sabotage or violence because this is not in the interest of Egypt and that any act of this corresponds to such a strongly unprecedented and will deliver a traitor who does a penalty in the case and will this cooperative military duty with the police and I assure our brothers foreigners on their interests and their lives and their money and military considers himself responsible for them , and God is reconciling war of Staff

 Major General Mohamed Naguib 

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Plan July Revolution

Plan July Revolution

The news had reached Gamal Abdel Nasser structure palace arrest of 13 officers belonging to the organization and direction for the appointment of Hussein's secret minister of war council gathered the leadership of the movement of the army or the revolution
 twenty-third of July and was later called to approve

the plan developed by Zakaria Mohiuddin commissioned by Gamal Abdel Nasser and his deputy, Abdel Hakim Amer , where the battalion 13 , led by Ahmed Shawki in charge of controlling the leadership of the armed forces in full confidentiality and decided to be a zero hour - one hour - the night of Wednesday, July 23, 1952 and agreed that the officers also be the center of the outbreak of the revolution in the army

 barracks of the end of the street Abbasid new to Egypt and agreed on the final
But the line to inform Joseph Friend commander second Battalion 13 hour zero caused the success of the revolution

 where move a friend with his forces in the eleventh hour and was able to control the leadership council of the armed forces in the bridge dome and the arrest of each of the interviewed in the way of the rank of the mayor and older were also required plan and command centers Abbasia grab the radio building and vital facilities in Cairo and the arrest of Ministers

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Principles of the revolution


Principles of the revolution

The six principles of the revolution was the revolution
Elimination of feudalism
The elimination of colonialism
Eliminate the control of capital
Building a sound democratic life
Building a national army

Features the July Revolution

White revolution has not lived up the blood
The revolution, a new generation of young officers, led by Gamal Abdel Nasser was nothing new in the world of military coups which was usually performed by military leaders and owners of large ranks

The formation of the Free Officers in nature , especially not unique in a certain direction does not belong to one political party has were from different political trends

The acquisition of the revolution sweeping popular support of millions of peasants and working classes of people who were living a life of bitterness and suffering
Aking the decision to dissolve the parties and the abolition of the 1923 constitution
 six months after the establishment of the movement and a commitment to a specific period of transition is three years after the new republican regime

Revolution marked the flexibility and lack of inertia in its domestic politics in favor of the state where not frozen foreign policy revolution in the face of colonialism after the rejection of the U.S

supplying arms and pulling displayed in the construction of the High Dam and headed the revolution to other parties for the implementation of national projects

In the political sphere embraced the revolution the idea of ​​Arab nationalism , and sought to support the Arab peoples occupied to get rid of colonialism , and achieved unity with Syria and Yemen

 also sought to fight against colonialism in all its forms and manifestations in Africa, Asia  and Egypt had a leading role in the founding group of
 the Non- Aligned Movement


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1952 Egyptian Revolution

Revolution July 23, 1952 is a military coup began on July 23, 1952 in Egypt by a group of officers calling themselves the Free Officers organization, and launched a revolution in the beginning, "the movement of the army", and then later known as the revolution of July 23. This movement resulted in the expulsion of King Farouk and end the monarchy and the proclamation of the Republic. Having stabilized the situation of the revolution was the formation of a committee leadership of the Free Officers and became known as the Revolutionary Command Council and was composed of 11 members headed by Major General Staff Mohamed Naguib

Liberal organization of military officers

After the 1948 war and the loss of Palestine and the scandal of arms corrupt appeared organize the Free Officers in the Egyptian army , led by Gamal Abdel Nasser , and in the third century of July 1952 he organized a coup gunman managed to control things in the country and control facilities Aljiuyh in the country and broadcast a statement first revolution voice Anwar Sadat and army imposed on the king to abdicate for Crown Prince Ahmed Fouad and leave the country in the July 26, 1952 and the form of the Council of regency administration, however, things were in the hands of the Revolutionary Command Council composed of 13 officers were the ones driving the organization of the Free Officers then canceled property the Republic was proclaimed in 1953

The causes of the revolution

Continuation of King Farouk in ignoring the majority and minority parties on adoption 
The internal unrest and a bloody conflict between the Muslim Brotherhood and Governments Nuqrashi and Abd al-Hadi 
The establishment of a Palestinian war and implicate the king of the country without proper ready and then defeat
Offered to issue evacuation of British forces on the United Nations Security Council has not issued a decision in favor of Egypt 
Reduce the size of the national army units after the imposition of the British protectorate over Egypt and send most of its troops to Sudan under the pretext of contributing to the quell the revolution Mahdi
Closure of schools and marine warfare
Poor economic situation in Egypt
Injustice and loss of social justice between the layers of the people and the poor distribution of property and wealth of the nation
Foolishness reign of King Farouk and his entourage in spending and extravagance to leave the palace and the people suffer

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Saad Zaghloul

Saad Zaghloul 

Saad Zaghloul was born in 1860 in the village , and was then belonging to the Directorate of the Bank which is now a subsidiary of the province of Kafr el - Sheikh , and his father Sheikh Ibrahim Zaghloul , head of the village chieftain Any mayor , and began his education in the book , where he learned to read and write and save the Koran 

Saad Zaghloul is considered one of the leaders of Egypt and the leader of the 1919 revolution , and was not popular enjoyed by the Egyptian leader before him, even the title of the leader of the nation, and fired at his house ( the house of the nation ) and his wife , Safia or Egyptians

Leader Saad Zaghloul Pasha and Ms. Safia Zaghloul - 1898

And in 1870, when he appointed his brother Shenawi Effendi Chairman of the Board Desouk , he joined Saad Zaghloul mosque Desouky in order to be improving the Koran, and in 1873 a delegation to Cairo to join Azhar where it influenced  great Islamic Mr. Jamaluddin Afghan was reprinted on the freedom of thought , research and abstraction and reform also is credited with improving his language Arabic, and then turn Saad Zaghloul to public speaking and writing , as well as the student of the hands of religious reformer Grand Sheikh Mohamed Abdou has arisen between them nothing more than a relationship son his fatherbetween his hands a writer orator, a man of letters politically, nationally

Action Saad in " Egyptian Gazette " where criticize the provisions of the councils canceled and summarized and Aaguib it, and saw the Ministry of Baroudi need him to function Associate internal and from here opened the doors to legal defense and legal study , and the doors of Defense political and political work , and was soon into their work even appeared efficiency and then was transferred to the principal function pen suits Directorate of Giza
And in light of the British colonialists , he participated in the Orabi Revolution and the free articles , exhorted the revolution, and was invited to address the authority of Khedive Tawfiq , which was biased towards the English against the homeland , and he lost his job 

And worked as a lawyer with a friend named Hussein Sakr, is that the attorneys were not profession respectable at that time , was working in a law firm suspicion and humiliation , but it should not be a judge that يجالس a lawyer , but Saad was able to increase the legal profession until Ola will and became the who are the owners of edema and honor, and especially elected judges from lawyers , and was the first lawyer to enter the judiciary , and noted that the cornerstone in the establishment of the bar when he was beholding for Hakanah and is the law that created the law 26 for the year 1912

Saad Zaghloul struggle
When the Orabi Revolution involving Saad Zaghloul and this caused the dismissal from work and lawyer , and he believed in the importance of science , education and participated in the call to the establishment of the Egyptian University and was appointed Minister of Knowledge ( learning now) and make Arabic instead of English language education then became afterwards minister of Justice Hakanah currently The form of the Egyptian delegation , who assumed the leadership of the national movement to demand clearly the British occupation forces and the independence of Egypt

The emergence of the delegation and the 1919 revolution

And virginity glasses knowledge and glasses glenoid , and agency of the Legislative Assembly election , and after the outbreak of the First World War , was put Egypt under British protection , and remained so throughout the years of the war , which ended in November 1918, where he was forced Egypt's poor which provide many of the sacrifices material and human resources , so the Saad and two other members of the Legislative Assembly (Ali Shaarawi , Abdel Aziz Fahmi) to meet the British High Commissioner , demanding independence, and was followed by a corresponding author of the Egyptian delegation , and the movement of collecting the famous brands in order to emphasize that this delegation representing the Egyptian people in the pursuit of liberty, and the student delegation to travel to participate in the peace conference to raise the Egyptian demands for independence
Men's Egyptian delegation accompanying Saad Zaghloul to the peace conference in Paris

The delegation about holding this requirement , and the sympathy of broad popular sectors with this move , the British authorities for the arrest of Saad Zaghloul and three members of the delegation are Mohamed Mahmoud Hamad Basel and Ismail Sodqi , and their journey to Malta on March 8 , 1919. Triggering the revolution and forced the British authorities to release him and the rest of the members of the delegation after one month of exile, also allowed them to travel to view the demands of Egypt in the conference Solh, Following the issuance of this resolution, which came Talia to weeks of violence huge part of the authorities in the face of the people, began protests subside , the delegation went to France to attend the conference , which recognized the dominant parties , most notably the United States represented at the President Wilson  the British protection of Egypt , which was a major blow to the negotiating approach 

His death

The tomb of Saad Zaghloul Pasha and his home

Rolled Saad roles in Egyptian political life , and deepened his leadership of the Egyptian people , despite an assassination attempt of his rivals , and Saad Zaghloul died on August 23, 1927, the day he died was a memorable day , and built his tomb they called the tomb of Saad 

Egyptian leader did not receive popular such as those given to Saad Zaghloul , even the title of the leader of the nation, and called his home " the house of the nation" and his wife Safia or Egyptians, as the government has set up statues , one in Cairo and one in Alexandria

And one of the leaders of Egypt and the leader of the 1919 revolution , was not popular enjoyed by the Egyptian leader before him, even the title of the leader of the nation, and called his home " the house of the nation" and his wife Safia or Egyptians
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1919 Revolution

After the outbreak of the First World War, Egypt has been under British protection , and remained so during the years of the war, which ended in November 1918 when he was forced poor Egypt through to do a lot of human sacrifices and Saad resisted materials and two other members of the Legislative Assembly
 ( Shaarawi Ali and Abdul Aziz Fahmi ) to comply with the British High Commission , demanding independence , were followed by the corresponding author Egyptian delegation , and the movement of the collection of the famous brands to emphasize that delegation representing the Egyptian people in search of freedom

In 1919 the Egyptian people come out in the streets and squares to demand independence and liberty

revolution coming  
Delegation of students to travel to participate in reconciliation, to open the Egyptian demands for independence, and the delegation was with this requirement , and the sectors of sympathy popularity of this movement 
the British authorities to stop Saad Zaghloul and three members of the delegation are Basel Hamad Mohammed Ismail Mahmoud Sidky and deported to Malta March 8, 1919 

Egyptian women in 1919 participated next to the man demands freedom and independence

The day after the arrest of Saad Zaghloul and the members of the delegation , students lit the spark protests in Cairo. In two days, the extent of the protests have spread to all students , including students Azhar  revolution  . A few days after the revolution broke out in all parts of the cities and towns coming  revolution

 In Cairo, the workers went on strike demanding better wages trams and less hours of work and facilitate the sanctions list and get a reward at the end of the service and other requirements. The authorities were unable to utilize older workers to service , was paralyzed tram complete paralysis  

Egyptian women in 1919 participated next to the man demands freedom and independence

Followed by the railway strike , which occurred after the British authorities deal soldiers Porsche Bulak training students to replace Egyptian workers on strike , precipitating the decision of workers to participate in the events . Not just say the strike , but destroy adapters designed trains and rail lines cut - they had the peasants and became the most important weapon of the revolution

Taxi drivers on strike, postal workers , electricity and customs all of them want  revolution Followed by the press to strike of workers and the labels of workers and public workshops and the Customs Department in Alexandria  

There is a close relationship between the notable participation of workers in the movement between the demands of unions in many cases , the strike , which occurred  for example , in the case of a streetcar workers strike Alexandria and Customs Department and E, where  revolution  previously raise these workers strike demanding higher wages and better working conditions

Urban protests did not stop the protests and strikes, but the people in the slums of trenching to deal with the British forces and the police and the mob attacked shops and foreign goods and the destruction of tram vehicles 

The movement was not the least of which regions of Cairo and Alexandria  revolution but it was more intense and violent . Groups of farmers Faqamt cut rail lines in the cities and villages of Upper and Lower Egypt , and the police attack on the cities and sent no one in doubt trying to stand up for them. In Hawamdeya a group of peasants attacked the railway line leading to the sugar refinery that resulted in a call to go to work and a workers' strike . In Qalyub has thousands of peasants to destroy the railway line 

 In the tenderness and Wasty in Upper Egypt , peasant groups attacked railway lines , looting and the train station of burning and attacked the British soldiers. In Minya agar wheat to neighboring towns police station and released the prisoners. In Damanhur people to demonstrate and dress shoes hit their head and almost killed when insults 

In Fayoum  nomads attacked troops and police forces when these forces attacked protesters . In Assiut residents attacked the police station and the seizure of weapons failed bombing Btaúratin city forcing them to retreat . In the village of Deir Mawas near Assiut , farmers attacked a train of British soldiers and fierce fighting took place between the two parties 

 When the British sent a warship Assiut , hundreds of farmers have abandoned the old Nile armed with guns to take over the ship . In some villages , the poor peasants attacked and looted the property superior Angel , who enters the terror in the heart of it. You do not have the space here to list details, but we can say that the above is just a few examples of what has made the masses during the revolution. But the importance of these examples is refuting claims that Egyptians are predominantly those calls and reporting and provide leadership in all ages 

The reaction of the British forces violently to the extent it can be said that what was done by these forces and police against the Egyptians during the revolution , the most serious acts of violence that struck the Egyptians in modern history . From the early days , British troops were the first to sign the martyrs among students during peaceful demonstrations in the beginning of the revolution . Following the publication of the railway lines cut,   revolution ,the authorities have issued threats to carry data to contribute and burned villages adjacent lines are cut . Many have been trained by military tribunals for trial participants of the revolution

 Security forces have not hesitated to victims sometimes indistinguishable from the killings , as happened when I was in Fayoum four Bedouin killed in a single day at the hands of British troops and Egyptian police forces . British forces did not hesitate to carry out his threats against the people , as happened in the villages of Al Azizia , Badrasheen , networks, etc. , which burnt and looted the property of these people were killed peasants and farmers of the skin and raped several women in  revolution

Revolution 1919 unit fell in April ,   revolution following a decision of the British authorities to release the members of the delegation and let them go at the request of Egypt to the peace conference After the publication of this resolution , which came to Talia week of mass violence by the authorities against the population began to slowly disappear events and delegation went to France to attend the conference , which was recognized parties controlling interest in it , especially in the United States represented at the President Wilson , a British protected in Egypt  which has a heavy blow to the approach to the negotiations. But that has not prevented the delegation of fruitless negotiations continue for many years  revolution 

The popular revolution forced the British occupation , on the release of Saad and his companions. The delegation went to Versailles, but the conference did not address the issue of Egypt . The Egyptian delegation returned and became the nucleus of a new party. He then won the parliamentary elections held in Saad most seats in parliamentary and ministerial candidates Saad form, which is the first department in popularity in Egypt

The revolution of 1919 was the only time that the popular movement , including the country and participated in all layers were unanimous in an application, is independence. In this context , it has become common among the few who are interested in a revolution in 1919 to the popular consensus on the national question is justified to create a perception revolution has not only seen a popular uprising for national claims and disposable class links between them and the revolution poverty and deprivation that was created by four years of war , but ignore the importance of the mass movement from below , revealing divisions within the armed forces to participate in the revolution

Rare footage of the 1919 Revolution

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About Egypt

Egypt is located at the intersection of ancient continents : Africa - Asia - Europe  overlooking two seas , that is, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. In addition  it gives the Suez Canal qaba In gulfs . Egypt hosts a major international shipping routes , namely the Suez Canal 

Egypt sets foot in Asia , even if it belongs to Africa as the source of the Nile , the artery of life of the Egyptians . As clearly stated , Egypt and enjoys exceptional location allows it to serve as a gateway through which the three monotheistic religions past. It also functions as a meeting point for the interaction of civilizations between East and West , North and South 

At the same time , Egypt , because of its position between the Muslim world ,  Egypt has held the role of a beacon of thought and Islamic civilization , in which she portrayed the values ​​of moderation , tolerance and coexistence that reflects the essence of Islamic teachings. Egypt also plays a major ideological and political culture in the Arab region . In this sense , began an important part of efforts to establish stability , peace , progress and development in the Arab world and the Middle East 

 Egypt flag 
First Egypt Flag

First Egyptian flag current flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt
The first Egyptian flag was established by a royal decree in 1823 , showing green growth, with three white stars in the center 

Flag of Federation 

In 1958 , a presidential decree issued by the establishment of a new flag of the Federation of the Syrian Arab Republic and Egypt. Regarding the end flag , which shows three colors: red , black and white coupled with an eagle 

Current Flag
The current flag in 1984 , expressing Egypt " s independence showing three rectangles of the same size , but the length is twice the width: the upper band is the expression of red , hope and strength, the medium is the express purity white in the center bearing the eagle, the largest bird looking to the right Egypt express force " of civilization. The lower band is available in black reflective times of late 
and the colony that Egypt got rid of

 Egypt Language: Arabic is the official language

Capital: Cairo City

Cairo Governorate 
Cairo is the capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Cairo is a city rooted long occupied a leading position among the ' s world capitals. In terms of population Cairo stands as the largest in the Arab world and score around eight million to accommodate an area of 3,085 km2 Africa

 Egypt Climate

Egypt " s climate is affected by several factors, the most important of which is the location surface , the overall system pressure , low pressure areas , and the areas where the water is divided in several regions climatic Egypt . Egypt is in the dry tropics , except the extreme north , which is included in temperate regions with a similar climate to the Mediterranean region is hot and dry in summer and mild in winter , along with a bit of rain that falls this increase in coastal areas

Egypt " s climate can be classified into two seasons , ie a hot, dry summer is from May to October and the rain cover moderate to low in winter, between November and April.
Average annual temperature in Lower Egypt is 20 degrees during the day and at night 7th . As to Upper Egypt , every day and night average time is respectively 25 ° and 17 °



This is the second longest river in the world that crosses southern Egypt to the north , where it divides into two branches: Rosetta and Damietta to meet the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea
Length of the Nile on Lake Tanganyika , the source to the Mediterranean Sea , the mouth is 6690 km with an area of ​​1,900,000 km2. It spans ten countries : Tanzania - Kenya - DRC - Burundi - Rwanda - Ethiopia - Eritrea - Uganda - Sudan - Egypt 
The Nile gives life to the land of Egypt , fertility and growth as expressed by the Greek historian Herodotus described Egypt as " the gift of the Nile" , which reflects the importance of the Nile in Egyptian life

Measure the water level in the Nile began from the time of the pharaohs when they used the Nilometer that took one of three forms : Graduate Card , pillar or a ladder. However, using the same unit of measure, at an angle, in all three forms. Nilometers transformed into a tourist attraction

 Egypt High Dam
High Dam

It stands as one of the most important in the waters of the Nile, which was released January 9, 1960 the proposed regulations. The large dam is the largest engineering project in the twentieth century in terms of construction and engineering , as it replaces more other mega projects around the world . The purpose of the construction of the dam was to protect Egypt against high floods that hit the country and drowned or lost large areas in the Mediterranean Sea

Suez Canal

Suez Canal
History records that Egypt was the first country to have built an artificial canal through its territory to connect the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea . The canal was opened in the year 1874 BC. During Khedive Ismail " s was - 1.869 - developed the idea and the Canal was opened which links the Mediterranean at Port Said to the Red Sea at Suez Canal The unique location has the shortest route between East and West 

In July 1956 , the canal was nationalized and closed five times, the last of which was during the attack in 1967. It remained closed for eight years and was reopened to Navigation June 5, 1975 

Water resources  in Egypt

The Arab Republic of Egypt depends on three main sources of water the water of the Nile flood , torrential rain and groundwater 

Mineral and petroleum resources

The Arab Republic of Egypt has huge mineral resources , ie , phosphate , iron, oil , gold and oil

Egyptian Economy 

According to an official report in 2010 , the Egyptian economy is the second largest economy in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, with a total GDP of U.S. 500.9 billion . In Africa , the Egyptian economy is the second in the order , after South Africa and 11 in the Middle East , the per capital income 

The Egyptian economy is one of the most diversified economies in the Middle East. It depends mainly on agriculture, Suez Canal revenues , tourism , taxes , the media and cultural production , oil exports and remittances from Egyptian expatriates . More than three million Egyptians working abroad, mainly in the Gulf countries . Their remittances are an important resource for the Egyptian economy. As the work of the Egyptian labor in the United States, Europe and Australia 

Following the revolution of January 25, 2011 , the State is constantly making efforts to make the Egyptian economy on track and overcome enormous obstacles. This is looking through the consolidation of efforts at the local level and opening new windows on the world pumping a little effect on economic performance 

 Egypt currency

 LE = 100 P.T

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